On December 9th, 2008 at approximately 6:30 in the morning, our governor, Rod Blagojevich was arrested at his home. What were the charges or allegations? He has been accused of trying to sell President Elect Barack Obama's senate seat. It is unclear, as of now, as to if this is true or not, but the governor maintains that he has done nothing wrong. But does that mean that we still should not impeach him? Or accuse him of doing something wrong as a governor? Well, almost immediately following his arrest, the House of Representatives in the Illinois Government began the work to impeach the governor. Should he be impeached? In my opinion, yes he should be impeached. He has just added to the long history of Illinois governor's who have broken the law. I would prefer for Blagojevich to resign before the HOR gets to the point of impeachment but he maintains his innocence and in this country, he does have that right. But what does this mean for Illinois? It means that we are unlikely to get the Olympics to Chicago in 2016 because of the scandals and the fact that if we can not even manage to have a decent governor how can they expect us to manage the Olympics? Well, it is just the way the cookie crumbles. What do you think? Have we lost our shot at having the Olympics? Should Blagojevich resign?
Monday, December 29, 2008
Governor Resigns? Think Again
On December 9th, 2008 at approximately 6:30 in the morning, our governor, Rod Blagojevich was arrested at his home. What were the charges or allegations? He has been accused of trying to sell President Elect Barack Obama's senate seat. It is unclear, as of now, as to if this is true or not, but the governor maintains that he has done nothing wrong. But does that mean that we still should not impeach him? Or accuse him of doing something wrong as a governor? Well, almost immediately following his arrest, the House of Representatives in the Illinois Government began the work to impeach the governor. Should he be impeached? In my opinion, yes he should be impeached. He has just added to the long history of Illinois governor's who have broken the law. I would prefer for Blagojevich to resign before the HOR gets to the point of impeachment but he maintains his innocence and in this country, he does have that right. But what does this mean for Illinois? It means that we are unlikely to get the Olympics to Chicago in 2016 because of the scandals and the fact that if we can not even manage to have a decent governor how can they expect us to manage the Olympics? Well, it is just the way the cookie crumbles. What do you think? Have we lost our shot at having the Olympics? Should Blagojevich resign?
I know that we live in Chicago and that where we live is a very extreme climate, but seriously what is with the weather?!?!? Talk about extreme changes and climates over the past month the weather has gone from freezing cold to unseasonably warm, from snow and ice to rain and sun. Look at just this past week alone, we had below zero temperatures on Monday and a snowstorm on Tuesday. Then Wednesday and Thursday we had normal December temperatures and weather which was refreshing. Then Friday we had ICE and FOG and then Saturday rain and tying of a record high. What is happening to this world?!?! I can not remember another month in which the weather went from one extreme to the other in no time whatsoever. Is it global warming or is it just Chicago? Well it is not just Chicago because the rest of the country has been pounded with wacky weather too! Seattle almost never gets snow and this month they have gotten snow! And on the East Coast, they normally have snow but not the two and a half feet that they have gotten over the month. It may just be me, but I am thinking that this is not just a myth, this is something in the world changing and maybe, just maybe, it's Global Warming.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
We Give Thanks
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Every year in America, families across the USA celebrate this very important day in history by giving thanks. As it has fallen into being a tradition, families eat Turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, and various other things that have come into being parts of a "TRADITIONAL" dinner. The day is meant to be a day spent with family and friends remarking on what has happened over the past year, eating good food, and telling what you are grateful for. Every year I find it to be harder and harder to say what I am thankful for. That is not because I am becoming less grateful for some of the small things that I have, but because when I explain what I am thankful for this year I want it to be meaningful and have an impact on the people at my table. In my family, when we sit down for dinner we go around the table and tell what we are grateful for. It is our family tradition to do that but not everyone's tradition. I have learned some traditions that other families have, and some of them strike me as being slightly odd. But overall in the world, things are not going very well so I ask what are you grateful for this year? Is it something that you thought you would be thankful for?
Friday, November 7, 2008
It is official! After a nearly 22 month campaign, it is official that Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States of America. He is the first african-american president of the USA! This election was a historic one no matter who won the election. And as the election got closer and closer, the polls showed that the race was tighter than ever. However, with almost all the states reporting, Barack Obama won the presidents race by a landslide. With Obama having 349 electoral votes and John McCain having only 163 electoral votes, it was by any standards a landslide victory. My dad was talking to me about how when I grow up I will be able to tell my kids and grandkids about this election and how it was so historic and that I was at an age that I not only knew what was going on, but could form my own opinion. And I realized something, that this was a very historic election and that I will be able to tell my kids and grandkids about this but that to them, it probably won't seem like it is that big of a deal. Why? Because hopefully by that time this country will have had many other African-American presidents, and female presidents, and other types of presidents. The idea of them not truly understanding what a big deal this was shocks me. But also reminds me of how our grandparents must feel when they tell us about big things that occurred during their lifetimes that we can not relate to at all. History has been made and it will be able to be discussed later but people truly will not understand it in the future. CONGRATS OBAMA!!
Hard Partying
Everyone knows that teens party, and drink, and try various other things that are not good for them but they do them. But it has been getting increasingly worse over the years. More and more teens are getting totally wasted on weekends and on week nights too! It is becoming an epidemic and it is not going to go away by lowering the drinking age!! I understand the idea of lowering the drinking age to give kids a chance to drink before going to college so that then they do not abuse it and then fewer college kids end up with alcohol poisoning but i don't believe that it is going to help at all. I think that the only thing it is going to do is allow more kids to party and get wasted and drink heavily. And it isn't as if teens do not have access to alcohol now or can get it. Parents, older siblings, even the teens themselves can go and buy liquor and then drink it and party so what is the point in lowering the drinking age? All it is going to do is get more and more teens to go out and get totally wasted! And it will most likely increase the number of cases of alcohol poisoning. I totally get the idea of exposing kids to the drinking thing to try and prevent alcohol poisoning but I do not believe that it is going to help anything. What do you think? Should the drinking age be lowered? Why or why not?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Hudson Tragedy
But, I have to wonder also how the families of other tragedies like this are feeling hearing how much attention this story is getting and how little, or maybe not little, attention their own story got. This truly reveals the biases of the media and the public to concern themselves with events that happened to celebrities. And to also mass publicize the details and what not for everyone to read. I truly feel for the family of Jennifer Hudson and that of the other families who have experienced such a tragedy.
Maybe this will show what situation the country truly is in and how people are willing to do anything they can for their own possible gain. What is your take on the media coverage of this murder?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I'm wearing a pin! And you can't stop me!!
A few weeks ago, Mr. Bolos told us about something that happened to his daughter. She wore a button in support of a candidate, to school. He informed us of how excited she was but that she was asked to remove the pin. I originally thought it was strange but then I noticed something in my family. My brother has been wearing a pin in support of Obama for a week. I asked him if it was cool for him to wear the pin and he said it was fine. Both of these stories absolutely shocked me! Both of these stories take place in a public middle school and involve a child wearing a pin in support of a political candidate but each was treated differently.
I believe that every person has a right to wear whatever pin they want whether it be for a political candidate or for something like a movie or sport. But the argument is that these kids are not even of voting age and are supporting a candidate, and also that due to their young age, they are changing the minds of others just by wearing the pin. I don't believe that someone, even as young as middle schoolers, should be asked to remove a pin that is in support of something they believe in! And if it isn't a distraction in the classroom then the teachers should not bring it up because that is just creating a distraction! Both of these issues are that of freedom of expression and in school involving students, things get o be a bit tricky! But I believe that if a student, any student, wants to wear a pin, whether political or not, to school then unless it is disruptive to the learning environment, that they should be allowed to!! (except in private school settings) What do you believe? If you wore a pin to school, supporting a political candidate, would you be offended if you were asked to remove it? I know i would be!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Size 4 the new Size 14?
Society has always been fixated with the appearance of others. The first impression people get of others is always based off their outer appearance; whether the person is dressed in the style, or stuck in another decade, or if the person is heavy vs. being skinny, whatever they look like on the outside is the first thing that people think about each other. But recently, I have noticed that people are calling others "fat" if they are not a size 0 or 2. I noticed it in regards to Cheryl Burke, a dancer on the TV show Dancing With the Stars. Over the summer, she gained a few pounds and it was only slightly noticeable to the people who have seen her in previous seasons. But how is going from 120 pounds to 125 or 130 pounds considered fat?
I don't understand that whole thing of being fat if you are not a size 00,0,1, or 2. Or if now being a size 4 is like adding and entire 10 to it and making it a 14. It has been proven that people who are larger are generally picked on and given jobs fewer times than people who are smaller and more attractive. But why is society so fixated on the outer appearance and being skinny when the country is heading towards an obesity epidemic? And why is there a different standard for men than for women? What do you think?
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Society's Expectations of Women VS. Men
In our society, men and women have different expectations as to what they are going to act like, dress like, and speak. If people do not fall into these categories, or step out of their determined "role" then they are considered outcasts. Women are expected to be: nice, not too aggressive, attractive, smart, gentle, emotional, mature, and caring. However, men are expected to be: more aggressive, charming, intelligent, athletic, powerful, attractive, immature, lazy, and outdoors-y. But, if a man is less athletic and more caring or emotional then they are called harsh names such as "gay", "homo", and "womanly". And if a woman steps out of her expected "role" and is more athletic and outdoors-y then they are called: "lesbians", "manly", "transgendered". I noticed that in the VP debate, Biden was not taking shots at Sarah Palin because he knew if he did, he would be criticized. But he was still respectful of her and looked at her when she was speaking, but she never looked at Biden. Sarah Palin was always looking at the camera, smiling, and winking. And that was so that she appeared to be falling in line with what society feels are the characteristics that a woman should have and show to the world. It is not right to expect these sorts of things from men or from women and it is becoming ridiculously annoying. JUST STOP IT!! Men can be gentle, caring, and athletic or any of the traits that people expect women to posses. And women can have the same traits men have so society needs to just get over what they think is right and let people act the way they want.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
"You're juniors now, I.E you're adults"
At the beginning of this year, I knew that this upcoming school year would be different; now we begin visiting colleges, worrying about our grades, and taking on more responsibility. But what I did not expect was for many of the teachers to use the phrase, "You're juniors now, so you need to figure out what you need and how to manage you're own time." This phrase boggles my mind because I know that I am a junior and that college is honnestly right around the corner but how does this make me an adult. The only thing that I think is different this year than last year is that now, I can drive. This does give me more responsibilty but how does this make me an adult? I can not vote, drink, get married, or enlist in the army but I am considered to be an adult? I understand the thought of preparing us for college and what not but "holding our hands"freshman and sophomore years but then come junior year we are on our almost, kicked out of the nest and told to figure it out on our own. I wish that it had been a slower process over sophomore year and then junior year so that by the end you really feel like an adult more. Senior year is more on the "fend for your self"because it is the last year prior to college but up until then it should be more of a slow process of taking on more responsibility, not just a kick out of the nest. How, at the ripe age of 16, are we considered to be adults in school?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Unrealistic Expectations
The pressure on adolescents and teenagers to succeed in life, be skinny, be rich, be number one in their sport, and be academically talented is absurd! There is no reason that kids as young as 10 should be worried about their weight or how smart they are and whether or not they are going to get into college. The pressure is starting earlier and earlier and increasing as time goes on. Isn't there a chance to just be a kid? Make mistakes and screw up? With all of the pressure on kids they are growing up too fast and not getting a chance to experience what being a kid is all about! A 14 year old is going to learn more lessons acting like a 14 year old than acting like an 18 year old. So, are the parents to blame for this incredible pressure or the society in general? Why do kids feel the need to grow up so fast and act older but they get older and they want to be younger?
No one kid is perfect; no matter what any parent believes no child is 100% what the parent wanted. Being a talented athlete, a talented scholar, rich, and skinny is not everything that life has to offer and it is unrealistic to expect the most from every child. So, a message to parents: let kids be kids, keep them focused on school work but still allow them to experience things that kids should experience. And a message to kids: don't try to grow up too fast, savor every experience because before you know it you're looking at colleges and leaving home.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
9/11 Revisited
It is approaching the time of year again when people start to remember what happened on that horrible day in 2001. It has almost been 7 years since that dreadful day but questions about how much our country has changed and if it is safer now still arise. Is terrorism gone? Are we truly safer now that we have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan?
I remember that day clearly and the terrified feeling that I had. My dad being one of the many people who was supposed to be in the World Trade Center that day. I did not have any concept of what terrorism was or who would want to do anything to the country but I knew that the country I had thought was so safe and that nothing would ever happen to was no longer safe. I look back on that day now wondering if I was right in my thinking that I would never truly feel safe in this country again. And I know that I have a feeling of being safe but I also know that things can happen at any time. Many died in that horrible attack and many have also died fighting for the safety of our country. They have done an amazing job but they should come home because it has been so much time we should think that the world knows that we are serious and don't want to be messed with.
On the anniversary of the attacks I remember those who died in the attacks and think about the safety of our country and I feel good. Think about if we are safer and wonder, what would have happened if we had not invaded Iraq and Afghanistan.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Leave Palin's Family Alone!
Ok, John McCain has chosen a running mate and not everyone may like her but that is who he chose. Sarah Palin, the current governor of Alaska, is going to be John McCain's running mate and quite possibly the next Vice President of America. I don't think it was the wisest choice for him but that is his decision and it is Palin's decision to accept the nomination. Yes, she is a mother of five and yes, her daughter is pregnant but that shouldn't have anything to do with how she would be in the White House. No one should care if her daughter is pregnant and if they do it shouldn't be to criticize her but to support her and see that even though her daughter is pregnant she still believes she can do a great job in the White House. I am not a fan of John McCain or Sarah Palin but I think that her family should be left out of the media and that it shouldn't be a deciding issue in the race for the White House. Also, I think that this is going to be a historic race for the White House because no matter what there will be a first. Either the first African-American president or the first woman vice president but it will be a first and a different race. John McCain kind of is thinking that the people who voted for Hilary Clinton would change and vote for him because of his Vice President post but it is highly unlikely and he is just going to have to try another way to get those people to vote for him!
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