Friday, April 24, 2009

JR. Theme Update

I am sitting in class just thinking about everything that I still have to do on my junior theme but instead of stressing out and having a panic attack I am calm. I feel really good about the whole paper. I have completed my interview, read many of my sources, worked on my bibliography, and gotten my introduction almost finalized. I am feeling really great! After some technical difficulties, my interview went great! I was soo relieved to have completed it! I interviewed Dr. Jamie Gayle, who works at Insight which is an eating disorder clinic that operates on the North Shore. She was very helpful and gave me a ton of answers to many of the questions. She also gave me very helpful information and statistics. Infact, she also asked me to e-mail her my paper when I have a final draft! I was ecstatic that she wants to read the paper. I feel good about my paper. Not very stressed out, however, I am planning on working on my junior theme for most of this upcoming weekend. I just have a request, could we PLEASE be in the library some more! I'd love it if that was possible!

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